About Us

This website was established by a group of Commercial property owners for the purpose of providing a straightforward and alternative means of advertising commercial property for lease and for sale; also to provide a means to connect potential buyers and tenants with sellers and landlords. The Website is not designed to operate in competition with the various websites operated by licensed Real Estate Agents. Rather, it is designed to enable owners to have direct input into the marketing of their properties and to create an opportunity for direct dialogue between those owners and interested parties. As such, the website can be used to market properties in conjunction with the use of other and agency websites or as a stand alone advertising option. It also enables those looking for properties - whether for purchase or for lease - to initiate the dialogue by posting their requirements for others to see. The website also aims to publicise the services of related and relevant organisations such as finance providers, surveyors, legal professionals and the like with a view, ultimately, to being a one stop advertising and marketing forum for anyone owning, leasing or interested in commercial real estate in Australia. We trust that this site will be of assistance to you. We welcome your comments.